Main task: "Mute" Finished Opening Sequence

Preliminary Task: Finished Continuity Sequence

Saturday 2 April 2011

Evaluation Question 4

4. Who would be the audience for your media product?

  • Our film is rated 15 and our target audience would be aged between 15 and 25. 
  • The film would be made for a British audience but is hopefully relatable to young people all over the world. 
  • It appeals to both genders, as it is a hybrid of genres, including Action, Drama and Sci-Fi, appealing to males, but the aspirational female hero and the romantic elements will hopefully appeal to young females too.

  • As previously mentioned, the lack of dialogue is unconventional and may put some people off, similar to how many people don’t like watching films with subtitles, but its uniqueness will hopefully attract them into seeing it just so they can make their own minds up.

    A group of target audience members
  • As the style of the film is quite dark and de-saturated, and the plotline isn’t particularly joyful, those who go to the cinema for light-hearted fun will not be the kind of person who comes to see Mute, so our target audience is those who like to see hard-hitting dramatic films that don’t necessarily end happily. 
  • The 15 rating allows us to be more violent and graphic, and although I wouldn’t go as far as to say the film is depressing, it will definitely be quite dark, as the point of the film is to convey how miserable and lifeless a world without speech would be. This makes the film a little more niche than the typical Hollywood action blockbuster.
  • Some adult viewers might be put off by the young main cast but hopefully Mute will become one of those films ‘you just have to see’ as it is quite controversial and could make people look at technology in a completely different way.
  • The overall idea of a parallel universe where we have evolved to be born without voiceboxes is very abstract, and it may just be too strange for some people, but for most people I hope it will be intriguing and if it does well in Britain, we could be looking at a mass release.

Here is an average target audience member:

This is Christy.
  • She is 18 years old and a sixth form college student.
  • She visits the cinema a couple of times a month and enjoys renting and buying dvds to watch with her friends.
  • Her film preferences range from Hollywood blockbusters to lesser known indie dramas, and Mute is the kind of thing that will intrigue her and pull her out of her comfort zone.
  • Her favourite films from the past year were The Social Network and Black Swan.
  • She doesn't mind watching foreign films with subtitles and the Mute premise of having voiceovers and little dialogue doesn't put her off.
  • Her other interests include going to parties and gigs and she likes finding new, up-and-coming bands online.
  • She would probably go and see Mute at the cinema with her friends or boyfriend as something to do one evening.

We showed our film opening to over fifty 15-17 year olds and got them to fill in a questionnaire. Here are a few we received (please press the zoom button to read some of the responses): 
Mute - Filled In Questionnaires

Everyone rated it between 6 and 10 out of 10 and the majority said they would want to see the rest of the film at the cinema.

This shows that we got our target audience right as the feedback was generally positive within our market, and both boys and girls enjoyed the sequence.