Main task: "Mute" Finished Opening Sequence

Preliminary Task: Finished Continuity Sequence

Thursday 20 January 2011

Initial Idea for Coursework Project

My coursework group consists of myself, Charley Packham, Odelia Yu and Robbie Lardi.

At our first meeting, we brainstormed as a group and came up with the starting point of a Psychological Thriller. 

We decided it would be best if each of us came up with one initial idea to bring to the next meeting. I liked the idea of the opening sequence consisting of hallucinations, and was inspired by Black Swan, a film I had recently watched at the cinema.

Rivalry between Nina and Lily in Black Swan

Here is my initial idea:

The film:
  • Psychological Thriller
  • Protagonist: An overacheiving teenage schoolgirl who strives to be the best at everything she does
  • She ends up killing her rival in a classroom after the protagonist decides she is too much of a threat to her getting into the college she wants to go to, as the college will only take one person from their school

The opening sequence:
  • A scene from near the end of the film
  • Set in a locked classroom
  • The protagonist is sitting at a desk at the back of the room having just killed her rival (the audience does not know this)
  • She hallucinates various people appearing in the room and taunging her - e.g. her mother telling her she is a disappointment, her teacher telling her she has failed everything, her rival boasting
  • Her hallucinations are interrupted by a knock on the door, then a ratlling of the handle and someone calling the protagonist's name
  • Cut to black